Data Protection (GDPR)

All online resources that process personal information (online stores, mobile applications, portals where cookies are used or users can create their own profile) must function in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our lawyers will assist in drafting the necessary documentation.

Our lawyers can perform the following tasks:

Legal audit of the company

Analysis of the flow of personal data that the company receives through various online resources, as well as identifying the employees who process it, assesses the current documentation that the business uses and its compliance with the current provisions of the GDPR.

Ensuring data security

Specialists are required to determine where the personal data of the company’s clients is stored and how to protect it, evaluate the organizational and administrative documents on the basis of which the company processes personal data, and record the facts of the transfer of information to other countries. As a result of the audit, the lawyers draw up a report on the company’s state of affairs regarding data protection and provide you with an action plan that needs to be carried out in accordance with the GDPR.

Drafting of data protection documents

Our lawyers will make sure that your company’s documentation displays a list of processes during which personal information is processed. Specialists will write down a privacy notice and consent to the processing of personal information, which must be present on the site. If necessary, they will also develop a text agreement between the operators and processors of such data. Additionally, they will provide rules for processing requests from individuals, deleting received information, and an action plan in case of a data leak.

Assessment of impact on personal data protection 

This check is carried out if the type of processing of user information used could potentially lead to a violation of confidentiality. If such a threat is present, lawyers will write a report with recommendations on how to eliminate it, and then can re-evaluate.


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