
The reward for my company’s labor is not in financial terms, but in the the number of satisfied customers who get what they came to us for, and even more! turn to us, and even more!

Uljans Kaspars, СЕО at EU Legal Practice LLC

Sophi Mäkinen


I wanted to buy a ready-made business, but EU Legal Practice saved me. Specialists conducted a thorough preliminary audit of the company and it turned out to be overpriced. Plus a lot of weaknesses, loans and high risks. I cooperated with the company until I found a good purchase option. After that I further worked with EU Legal Practice on the issues of company registration, creation of statutory documents and other issues. Cooperation lasted for a long time and during the whole period the lawyers did not let me down. Always on time or even faster

Markas Eglītis


The lawyers handled a large amount of tasks in a month and a half, for this I leave a review. I was opening an online store which involves the use of personal data. As it turned out, it is necessary to ensure data protection. I don't know how to do it myself. A colleague recommended EU Legal Practice.
During the consultation I was offered comprehensive assistance. As a result, the lawyers conducted an audit, drew up an action plan for data protection and developed the necessary documentation. While I was dealing with other issues, this one was closed by EU Legal Practice.

Mārtiņš Quantum


This year lawyers from EU Legal Practice represented my interests in court. An unconventional experience that deserves a review. The lawyers developed an effective defense strategy, conducted consultations, achieved a positive decision. They work skillfully, we will cooperate in 2024, it is better to keep good specialists close.

Bella Pētersons


I trust only proven companies, so on recommendation I chose EU Legal Practice. I had just started a company and at the first stage I needed to register the company immediately. An in-house lawyer would not have had time to organize the process in a short period of time, but the EU Legal Practice team managed it in two weeks. Saved time at this stage, but still had to be distracted at times to answer the lawyers. Everything is good, but I would like less time to spend with specialists.

Benas Virtanen


EU Legal Practice advised on resolving the dispute with the opponent and helped to resolve the situation without going to court. For a business, court proceedings are an additional problem. I am grateful that the dispute was resolved calmly and our agreements were formalized in an agreement. Now I am calm and know that I am legally protected in this situation.

Oskar Kallas


There were constant problems with suppliers and at the time of the conflict I could not prove my case because of a disputable contract. EU Legal Practice specialists helped to draw up a clear document, thanks to which the supply system is now in place and suppliers perform their work qualitatively and on time. Due to the huge amount of documentation, at the stage of opening the company, this contract was drafted hastily, which is why problems arose later. EU Legal Practice is now auditing all the company's documentation to identify any weaknesses.

Jānis Kalniņš


I finally managed to solve an employment law problem that had been plaguing me since 20220 and preventing me from growing my business further. EU Legal Practice lawyers developed the perfect employment contract for me and my team. Latvia is strict on this, so I turned to the pros. The work took a week, although many lawyers could not finish the job in a month. This is a high level, EU Legal Practice services are worth every euro paid. Every time I hire a new person, I remember the lawyers with gratitude.

Juris Lewis


I own a small Latvian company importing goods from Asia, in 2022 faced serious customs problems due to the world situation. Turned to already proven lawyers from EU Legal Practice LLC to deal with current disputes and generally optimize strategy for future operations. They checked all the declarations, found several points that I had missed, which led to delays. Thanks to the lawyers, I was now able to improve transportation efficiency and reduce costs. 2023 was unexpectedly a year of growth for my business, so I decided to write a review of EU Legal Practice LLC. I recommend the company, they have helped me twice already, first with customs law and more recently with taxes.

Sophia Martin


I decided to change the legal form of my company and my business partners recommended EU LEGAL PRACTICE. The lawyers showed competence and attention to detail, which I really appreciate, because the conversion option took into account the specifics of the business and was optimal in all respects. The process went without any problems, but a little longer than I wanted. Although I expected something like that because of the difficulties with the tax aspects of the transformation. Now the company is functioning more efficiently and meets all the requirements of the legislation. I received a questionnaire from EU LEGAL PRACTICE on the results of cooperation, I left feedback, but I decided to write a review here as well.

Aivars Ozols


I have a startup in the e-commerce sector and have encountered the problem of protecting customers' personal data. Everything was clear on paper, but in practice problems started to arise. In 2021, I turned to EU Legal Practice for advice. The lawyers conducted an audit and developed a GDPR implementation policy from scratch. A year has passed, now my business complies with all standards, no difficulties have arisen during this time. I decided to leave a review about EU Legal Practice: my impressions of the cooperation are good. They were the first lawyers in my memory who explained everything simply and clearly.

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