Assistance in insurance claims

Lawyers will help you defend your legal rights in situations where the insurance company refuses or delays payment of compensation. We will analyze the terms of the contract, help you collect the necessary evidence that gives you the right to receive payment, and then draw up an appeal to the insurance company or a lawsuit.

You will work with lawyers who directly specialize in insurance law issues and have extensive experience in solving client problems in this area. We will organize an independent examination of the contract with insurers and provide an expert assessment of their obligations to you, taking into account the current situation.

You can contact our company with the following complaints:

The insurer delays payment of compensation

We will draw up an official letter to the insurance company, in which we will present demands for the immediate fulfillment of their obligations and ensuring a fair amount of payments. We will develop an action plan in case the other party to the dispute refuses to comply with the terms of the contract.

The insurance company underestimates the actual amount of compensation

We will organize an expert assessment of the damage, record this information in the form of official documents in order to send them to the insurance company and collect a fair amount of compensation. If necessary, we will file a claim against the insurers and represent your interests in court.

Refusal to pay compensation was issued

We will appeal the decision of the insurance company, collecting the necessary documents in advance and drawing up a legal opinion on your issue. If the insurance company repeatedly refuses to fulfill its obligations, we will go to court and provide you with an experienced lawyer.

Accident perpetrator uses a policy of an insurance company whose license has been revoked

We will initiate legal proceedings to obtain compensation for your expenses incurred as a result of an accident on the road, regardless of whether the defendant’s insurance company can compensate for them or the amount will be recovered from them.


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