Labor law
A field of law that establishes regulations and standards for the interaction between employers and employees.
Labor law regulates the relationship between the employers and their employees, and also establishes standards for working conditions at different enterprises, the minimum wage, and compensation in the event of an accident at work. Clients most often seek legal assistance in matters of the obligations of the employer and subordinates, termination of an employment contract, payment of wages or due compensation.
The lawyers of our company will explain your rights and tell you how to act in difficult situations from a legal point of view that arise at work. If necessary, specialists will represent your interests before the court or commission for resolving labor disputes.

Establishment of labor relations
According to the law, when hiring an employee for a position, the company must sign an employment contract with them. If such a document is missing, and the person fulfills their duties, it is necessary to establish an employment relationship in order to protect the rights of both parties and guarantee social benefits to the employee. The assistance of a lawyer may also be required if the agreement between the parties was concluded without complying with the requirements of the law.
Salary dispute
Often, our lawyers are approached by people who want to obtain payment of wages from the employer, when this can only be done in court or during a meeting of the labor dispute commission. The interested party is obliged to confirm the existence of an employment relationship. This is considered to be the admission of a person to work, the performance of which involves the payment of wages, even in the absence of a written contract. Also, employees often file complaints about the lack of wages when their workload or accruals are reduced.
Termination of the employment contract
The contract between employer and employee can be terminated either normally or exceptionally. Typically, employees turn to lawyers with complaints of wrongful termination of employment when the employing company has failed to comply with legal formalities or legal obligations to the applicant. Employers usually consult with specialists regarding the correctness of drawing up contracts or calculating payments.